Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

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shasta_m0ri wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:31 pm Hello, world! My name is Shasta. I am a huge lover of cats, cameras, and coffee! I am 100% a cat lady, one of my passions is photography, and I will never pass up a good ol' iced latte. I am majoring in graphic design and hope to incorporate my design skills with my photography in some way.

Something in the syllabus I find interesting is the font package available for purchase that has all of the fonts available on the GAMT computers. For some reason, I never knew this was available and have previously had a hard time transferring some fonts from the school computers to my home computer for assignments. Now that I know I have this tool available, I may not have to worry as much about fonts!

Something in the syllabus I find challenging is interactivity and animation. I'm sure learning these things will give me a good challenge and make the sites I create more appealing in the long run.
Hello Shasta kindred cat soul, I am looking forward to hopefully at least one of your sites being catastrific.
If we feel useful in life and loved, it sure makes life significant and wonderful

Toni McDonough - GRC 275 Instructor
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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

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kevin_ksk wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:02 pm Hi guys,

I am a graphic design major at TMCC. Working on getting the advanced certificate currently. Then most likely going to go for my Bachelor's. When I'm not at school I'm a print production specialist and I've had a graphic design job in the past.

I think Project 02 will be the most interesting and the most complicated. I think designing a website for a commercial brand is something that will be useful for real world designing and would look great on a portfolio. So I'm looking forward to gaining experience on that project. But it also seems the most complicated with having functional shopping carts. I'm a bit worried about the coding aspect of that.

Looking forward to this semester with you all!
Hi Kevin, You are well rounded with being in the print industry also. I like that you are thinking about portfolio pieces. Welcome
If we feel useful in life and loved, it sure makes life significant and wonderful

Toni McDonough - GRC 275 Instructor
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Re: Hi Everyone

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genevieve_dierenga wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:31 am Hello,

My name is Genevieve Dierenga I am in the graphic design and video production track as a double major. I graduated with my AA in graphic design this semester and then my AA in video and motion graphics next semester. I will also be going for my bachelors in graphic design through Nevada state. when I am not at school and doing homework a play video games such as Valorant, Minecraft, COD, and Dead by daylight. I listen to a lot of different type of music right now I am really enjoying R&B artist like Chlothegod or Yaya Bay. I also really enjoy reading anything from nonfiction history, manga, manhua, and novels. the one I am reading right now i the the cruel prince.

one thing I am excited for is learning how to make a online store front I have always wanted to learn how to. I am a little worried about understanding analytics, and the search engine side of making a website. and I hope that I am able to make a better functioning reactive websites it is something I have struggled with.

I look forward to seeing everyone's work!!
Genevieve, ha! The last Manga I read was Bleach and shonen jump-that is what happens when a Mom is staying up with a teen who is now 27. A double major is impressive and I love that you are a video master! Welcome
If we feel useful in life and loved, it sure makes life significant and wonderful

Toni McDonough - GRC 275 Instructor
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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

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kawinthrac wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:24 pm Sa-Wad-Dee-Ka, (Hello in Thai). My name is Kawinthra (Ka-Win-Tra) Chongsuksantikul. I am from Thailand.

I am excited for this class and ready to dive deeper into web design. All three projects seem very interesting. But it’s also a challenge for me because Web Design is like another language that needs to combine with other skills and creativity. I also need to dust off my skills from GRC 175.

Nice to meet all of you. Let’s have a great semester together!

Kawinthra ;)
Sa-Wad-Dee-Ka Kawinthra, I enjoy your team spirit! It is very nice to see in an online class. The projects are indeed challenging but also you will have 3 sites you can be proud of! Welcome
If we feel useful in life and loved, it sure makes life significant and wonderful

Toni McDonough - GRC 275 Instructor
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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

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Melissa_Sanchez wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:12 am Hi Everyone,

my name is Melissa and something about me is that I love art and nature. Something I find interesting in the syllabus is topics of animation and interactivity, I hope to be able to add elements of those into my designs. Something I find challenging in the syllabus is site management, making sure the websites are up to date and that the performance is good.

Looking forward to this class!
Hi Melissa, You are right about the site management, wow if that is not set up tightly this first week, then things can get tough. I am looking forward to you having fun using art and nature on your sites. Welcome
If we feel useful in life and loved, it sure makes life significant and wonderful

Toni McDonough - GRC 275 Instructor
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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

Post by PAmes »


My name is Percy! I'm big into D&D, Greek mythos, drawing, Indie Rock, and too many other little interests. I'm seeking a Graphic Design AA degree and I'm looking to transfer to Portland State University in Fall 2025 (I hope, if not that I'll be attending UNR)! I took Graphic Design in High school, it's been a very big passion of mine since my freshman year so I'm excited to pursue it as a career!

I'm taking this in tandem to 175 so I'm excited to learn all things web design as well as face the challenges that come from such a schedule! Something I think will be difficult as well as exciting for me will be working with interactivity and animation. I'm a big fan of the ability to interact with as much as I can but I also lack patience to add that extra touch to things so I look forward to teaching myself that patience!

Thanks, hope you all have a great day!
Percy Ames

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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

Post by kristenrothbauer »

hi all!
My name is Kristen, and an interesting thing about me is that I was born in Germany and traveled a lot as a kid around Europe. In the syllabus, I found it interesting that we get to use WordPress towards the end of the semester and not just Dreamweaver. I have struggled with Dreamweaver in the past, so refreshing my memory and expanding on my base knowledge will be challenging. I especially think the storefront project will be a challenging project for me. But I'm really excited about the design portion of the projects!
kristen rothbauer ━ ☆゚.*・。゚

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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

Post by hazzie.jpg »

Hello! My name is Hazzie, and I’m thrilled to be part of this class. I do some freelance graphic design on the side, and I'm currently working on redesigning my old portfolio website. I'm really looking forward to everything we’ll learn, as I hope to apply those skills to enhance my own site.

One thing that I found both exciting and challenging in the syllabus is that later on in the semester we’ll be working with Wordpress. I took CIT 151 last semester, but it’s been a while since I completed GRC 175, so I feel a bit rusty. Nevertheless, I’m hopeful that I’ll quickly get back up to speed and challenge myself to use WordPress for our projects.

I’m really looking forward to this class! Also, there’s a Discord that many GRC students have used in the past to help one another and provide feedback before submitting projects. It's been super helpful and motivating in the past and while it hasn’t been active for a while, if anyone is interested in bringing that back, please feel free to email me, and I’d be more than happy to send you a link to join.
˙˚∘⊹Hazzie Castaneda⊹∘˚˙

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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

Post by mmisson_01 »

Hi everyone,
My name is Meghna Misson, and I’m currently working through TMCC’s GA&MT program to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree from Nevada State University. Alongside this class I will be taking GRC 235 this fall term, which is a 3D animating course as I would love to know a little more about the world of animating!

Some fun facts about me is that I enjoy drawing, sewing, and occasionally crafting (although I’m quite bad at it).

I think what would be difficult or challenging for me in this course is remembering how to use Dreamweaver, as it’s been awhile since I took Web Design I and forgotten how to generally set up and actually create functioning websites again. But I also do think that it will be an interesting challenge for me to try and remember how everything works again and go “Oh yeah! It’s all coming back to me now baby!”, and to possibly see if I can add even more unique visuals into my work.

Sorry if this introduction post was quite short and had some grammatical errors here and there! I am currently feeling unwell at the moment from too much time in the sun today, but I hope this picture of my two dogs can make up for it!
-Meghna Misson

GRC 275-3001
Fall, 2024

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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

Post by Seungwoo Lee »

Hello everyone!
My name is SeungWoo Lee. I'm from South Korea. I'm finally able to log in to the GRC 275 Forum!!! YAY!!!!
This is my 3rd semester taking graphic design. I learned many things for the first time while studying graphic design. In particular, the web design class makes me feel challenges. I studied cording, studied layout, and got to know UX/UI. All of these are challenges for me. I think all the projects in this GRC 275 are difficult and challenges for me. Language always gives me difficulties in communicating. English is so difficult for me lol.
I will not give up this semester, and I will try to do my best until the end. Thank you so much!

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