Porject 01 Roughs

Post links to your Project One websites and preliminary work for discussion and feedback.
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Porject 01 Roughs

Post by Aub »

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to add the thumbnails or the other paperwork so i'll just submit it at 10/11/24 with some other files.
Aubrey Delos Reyes

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Re: Porject 01 Roughs

Post by LMisher »

Hello Aub,

Thank you for sharing your work with us. I think that you are off to a good start with your website. Both versions are creative and I look forward to seeing the final version. I would like to give a little suggestion regarding the color scheme...With the gray background, I would use a darker color such as a black or navy blue instead of white, because it would make the text easier to read. Also, we are missing your brainstorming and thumbnail information to know what you were thinking and how your website is predicted to appear in the final version. Other than that, your rough drafts look good.
According to Benjamin Disraeli, "The secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes". Let's make each day count!

LaTara :)

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Re: Porject 01 Roughs

Post by Emily-Hudson »

Hi, Aubrey

I really like your first layout. It gives lots of character, pleasing to look at, and I definitely want to learn more about Eric.

I think the link buttons can have a bit more depth and give the viewer a reason to click on them.

Looking forward to the rest!
Emily Hudson Image

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Re: Porject 01 Roughs

Post by Olivia_haltom »

Hello! I love the creative direction you're going in right now for this website! I really enjoy the version with the green mountains in the background. Those roughs really pop off and showcase what you're trying to get across.
Olivia Haltom

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Re: Porject 01 Roughs

Post by hazzie.jpg »

Hi Aubrey,
The creator of Stardew Valley! What a great choice! I think that your first design with the mountains is the best fit for the creator. It’s fun and captures the essence of the game. To help your body text really stand out and not get buried in the background image's details, I suggest maybe blurring the background image on all pages other than the homepage. Other than that, I think you’re off to a wonderful start.
˙˚∘⊹Hazzie Castaneda⊹∘˚˙

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