Project 1 Prelim

Post links to your Project One websites and preliminary work for discussion and feedback.
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Project 1 Prelim

Post by Ashton_H »

I chose the band LOATHE for my inspiration. I really love their music and they have inspired me quite a bit when it comes to writing my own music or even art and other forms of expression. They're a very important band to me so I decided to make them a website for this project. I decided to use similar fonts they use for album covers like Arial and Helvetica, to keep the theme. I also took a lot of inspiration from their current website. I had a hard time creating a good second set of designs. It was difficult to create something that looked different with the same fonts and the limited pictures I could use. Anyways let me know what you think of my designs, I'm excited to hear the feedback!

Also here is there current website
full website-01.png
full website-01.png (1.05 MiB) Viewed 107 times
full website-02.png
full website-02.png (4.7 MiB) Viewed 107 times
full website-03.png
full website-03.png (2.48 MiB) Viewed 107 times
full website-04.png
full website-04.png (2.13 MiB) Viewed 107 times
full website-05.png
full website-05.png (1.85 MiB) Viewed 107 times
full website-06.png
full website-06.png (2.9 MiB) Viewed 107 times
full website-07.png
full website-07.png (1.6 MiB) Viewed 107 times

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Re: Project 1 Prelim

Post by LMisher »

Hello Ashton,

First, I wanted to say that you did a really good job with your rough drafts (especially version 1) on this assignment. I have no idea who this band is, but based on your preliminary introduction, I am curious to click on a link and listen to a few songs from the band. The colors and fonts work well together and it has a neat and user-friendly navigation. My only suggestion would be to include the mobile versions of each website draft as well as your brainstorming and snag information to give the audience some insight on your thought process. Other than that, well done!
According to Benjamin Disraeli, "The secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes". Let's make each day count!

LaTara :)

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Re: Project 1 Prelim

Post by kristenrothbauer »

hi Ashton!
I also listen to Loathe! Both of these designs are super cool and are executed so well. The second design stood out to me, the layout of the graphic elements and pictures works so well and is extremely eye-catching, it also has a great flow as you go through the page. The color palette, and how it's executed in images in the second design as well, really complements the website as a whole. Excited to see which you choose!
kristen rothbauer ━ ☆゚.*・。゚

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Re: Project 1 Prelim

Post by mmisson_01 »

Hi Ashton,
I love, love, LOVE the layouts in both of these versions! The way the text and images playfully balance each other out is very unique and eye-catching, especially with that sub gallery page I'm assuming with the "I let it in and it took everything" image. It's so hard to choose between the first and the second version for me, but the inclusion of the red makes it pop all the more on the second one. My only suggest would be to add in another font (possibly serif) that could work as a subtitle since the body type and display almost blend in together at times. But other than that, I really enjoy the direction that you are taking with this project, I can't wait to see how the website looks when finalized! :D
-Meghna Misson

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Fall, 2024

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Re: Project 1 Prelim

Post by shasta_m0ri »

I really like the first concept. The use of negative space and contrast is very bold. I love the “gear” page with the cutout guitar images. The only thing I would recommend for all of your pages is having some sort of flow that guides the eye through the design.
~ Shasta Mori ~

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