Project01 Prelim

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Project01 Prelim

Post by Emily-Hudson »

Hi, friends :)

Here is my prelim work. I'd love to hear what everyone thinks about the layout! I can't decide if I want to go with the busy 'Antonymph' layout or the calmer 'Fish Whisperer' layout.
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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by mars_sink »

Hi Emily,

I really like the Fish Whisperer layout, it is easier on the eyes and a lot more comprehensive from a design standpoint. Are you inspired by the illustrators behind MLP? I am not really sure by the website design details. I think these are very cute though! I really like the colors you have chosen and the icons you made. Can't wait to see what you do with this concept!
- Mars

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Melissa_Sanchez »

Hey Emily,

I like your second set of designs the most. I think the layout is super playful and I like the 2000s vibe it gives me! Im a fan of the color palette you used for antonymph. Maybe you could use playful type fonts that are both expressive and legible for your second design for "music" and "characters" on your gallery page.

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by mmisson_01 »

Hi Emily,
I really love the personality I am getting from these two concepts, the second one is very cute and I can tell the amount of creativity flowing through out it (On my second viewing: I just now noticed in your style sheets that each version's color scheme is based on the illustration included--very neat idea :D )! It would be very cool if you were to program the ability to click on one of the pink windows and bring it to the front to add to the level of engagement and to not overlap over any important or necessary information (for example on the home page, I think the best work around with this is if you make the top two lines related to knowing more about Vylet, while the rest is song lyrics--maybe with them even in a different color). But this is only a small suggestion since I do adore with how it looks right now--reminds me of my old Tumblr days :)!

I also do like how each design juxtapose each other, whereas the first version is softer, mellow, and albeit a little bit gloomy due to the blue-ish hues white the other one is the opposite, so I am very excited to see with version you will be going forward with in the final! Overall, very great work on these prelims!

(P.S. If you like MLP, I suggest checking out Jane Gumball's work on Twitter & Youtube :D, they have a little series about transforming the mane 6 into their nightmare counterparts that's really worth checking out, here's a link to their Youtube channel:
-Meghna Misson

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by onnimelon2 »

Hi Emily!
I am in agreeance with everyone else here. Design 2 is much more playful and fun looking. It reminds me of that old "nyan" cat meme thingy. My only questions/concern would be whether or not those buttons for each screen would be functional or not. I think if you could implement that aspect of having mini windows that minimize and close, it would be super cool, but if not maybe consider stylizing them so people don't think their functional? Something you may want to consider! But as it stands, I think that is the design to go with!

- Alexandra Buyck
:D - Alexandra Buyck - :D

Seungwoo Lee
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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Seungwoo Lee »

Hello. I think your web design is really good. Especially I really like the first web design. I think the combination of purple and blue is perfect. I'm not sure but I think your character is an animated character. So I think the font you used goes well with your character. I think your really did your work well. Hope you finish well!

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