Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

Please introduce yourself here. C'mon, don't be shy!
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Re: Write 1 interesting & 1 challenge from Syllabus. Introduce yourself

Post by mars_sink »

Hi! My name is Mars. I graduated this Spring with my associate's degree. I work at TMCC as a student worker and as an assistant graphic designer at New West Distribution.

- Something interesting about me is that I play dnd. I am TMCC's dnd club president and have played dnd for about 5 years. It is fun and exciting to pretend you're in another world and leave things up to chance. I also like to watch people play dnd or listen to podcasts about it, those podcasts are what get me through all of the homework I do every day.

- Something I find interesting from the syllabus is the shopping cart installation because I have wanted to create my own shop for my designs for a long time. So I think this will be very useful in the future. The challenging element for me is Wordpress since I have never used that method, and know nothing about it, but it is a challenge I am ready to face and I am excited to learn more.
- Mars

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