Uploading my site

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Uploading my site

Post by Alexey »

Hello, Michael. I need to upload and test my website for project 1. What are the options for FTP settings and all that stuff? Thank you.

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Re: Uploading my site

Post by Instructor »

Sorry for the late reply Alexey. I've been a giant derp and was looking over Project posts rather than the Ask/Tell. Zoit!

The FTP info for the semester is:

Hostname: grc175.netfirms.com

Username: grc175

Password: !Fall2013!

The cheat sheets for the common FTP softwares on the Macs are here:


If we feel useful in life and loved, it sure makes life significant and wonderful

Toni McDonough - GRC 275 Instructor
tmcdonough@tmcc.edu | 775-235-8234

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Re: Uploading my site

Post by Alexey »

Thank you!

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