
Post links to your Project One websites and preliminary work for discussion and feedback.
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Which one do you like?

Poll runs till Fri Sep 20, 2024 9:19 pm

Version 1
Version 2
Total votes: 5

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Post by kawinthrac »

Hi, I chose Paul Nicklen for the artist who inspired me. Paul Nicklen is a Canadian photographer who is famous for polar wildlife photography. He captures a lot of stunningly animals, and landscapes of the Arctic and Antarctic. His works are not only aesthetic, but also telling stories through his images. Many of his shots show visually striking with narrations of the impact of climate change on polar regions. He also earns several awards.

Here are my two prelim versions:
Version 1:
Version 2:
Thank you
Kawinthra ;)

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Re: Project01_Preliminary

Post by genevieve_dierenga »

Hey Kawinthra!

I really like bother of your designs and layouts but I am leaning more towards the first one. it is really bold and I like that the images have all similar color theme. on thing you might want to think about is how to layout the gallery more, you need to have a title for the work but maybe have it a s a hover feature to display the title of the work. great work :D

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Re: Project01_Preliminary

Post by kristenrothbauer »

hi Kawinthra!
Both of these designs are executed beautifully! The minimalism of both designs works so well with the attention falling on the images, and emphasizing the photography element. The typefaces and color palettes work so well and complement the artist's work. I think the first design with the black logo is my favorite, it comes across as so striking and really catches my attention. I can't wait to see your final designs!
kristen rothbauer ━ ☆゚.*・。゚

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Re: Project01_Preliminary

Post by mmisson_01 »

Hi Kawinthra,
Wow!! Both designs are very clean and professional! I really love the layouts for both of them, especially for the gallery page which divides Paul Nicklen's photos into key categories that the user can click through with ease. Adding a search icon above them in the first version fills in the space between the title on the right and the other pages on the left really nicely as well. My only suggestion for the first design would be to make the hamburger icon a bit bigger and bolder on the home page since it is really hard to see, especially on the mobile format. But other than that, this version looks like it is one final touch away from being a completed website look!

If you do go with the second version, my only suggestion would be to have the main cover image on the home page connected to/coming from the bottom. It feels a bit awkward with the tiny amount of white space underneath it, but I think if you scale the image up just a bit more it would resolve it in no time; maybe even filling up the entire space beneath the top row with the picture to be something like this:

:D Can't wait to see your final work!
-Meghna Misson

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Fall, 2024

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Re: Project01_Preliminary

Post by Olivia_haltom »

Hello! I absolutely loved the cool tone look to your roughs. I think layout 2 works best because the home page image is so eye catching. I would love to click around more on a website like that! Great work!
Olivia Haltom

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Re: Project01_Preliminary

Post by Olivia_haltom »

Hello! I absolutely loved the cool tone look to your roughs. I think layout 2 works best because the home page image is so eye catching. I would love to click around more on a website like that! Great work!
Olivia Haltom

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Re: Project01_Preliminary

Post by hazzie.jpg »

Hi Kawinthra,
Great job with both designs! They’re so clean and concise. The layout of both of these websites really makes the artists’s work stand out while also providing a feel of their style too. I love the first concept the most, but I think there’s too much white space in the desktop gallery page. Personally, I think that if you kept the navbar the same but changed the layout of the images to look more like the one in your second concept, it would be perfect. Beautiful images and a very strong start! I can’t wait to see the designs of your other pages.
˙˚∘⊹Hazzie Castaneda⊹∘˚˙

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