Project 1 Joshua Miles

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Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by joshua.miles »

I also only did one concept, however I want to play with buttons and possibly using them for navigation instead of just text. wanted to try an extra large header and footer, and have the illustration type look. Let me know where I can improve.

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Re: Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by brienicole »

I like the layout of the second one best. But I dont like the bottom navigation.

props on style though... I love it! It would translate well to a flyer or brochure..
Brie Porterfield

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Re: Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by walters36 »

I like the second design the best it seems a little more organized and having a way to draw your eyes from up, down, and to the side kind of way. Although, I do see a problem with the navigation on the bottom of your page. It can make people more confused placing it down there than at the top.
Lindsey Walters

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Re: Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by kylesmith »

This site is rad. I like the layout and I love illustration style of web design I just never feel like illustrating all that. I think either middle layout will do since they are so similar but I would change that half cursive type out for something a bit more readable... Its not bad when its one or two words but when you have more than 5-6 it gets harder to read especially if you are going to have longer more complicated words.

I would work hard to make your site span the width of a users browser no matter what size they have. Its totally going to make or break you site since it is more of a experience based site. The second you get white borders around your awesome illustration its all over. So work hard at that and if you need some help i can give you some advice on how I would build it. Nice site.
Kyle Smith

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Re: Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by BrandonBarringer »

Very nice illustrations.
your hierarchy needs work. Im not quite sure where to start

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Re: Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by vtat »

I love the illustrations and the color scheme and the overall feel of the site.

I would suggest changing the typeface?...I find it quite overwhelming to read the script type for both the content and the footer area...
Vy Tat

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Re: Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by treesa »

I like this, it's really a fun site. Your illustrations and color are great.I do get a little lost though, I think the type needs some playing around with as well as hierarchy. Like Brandon , I'm not sure where to start.

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Re: Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by MissTinaBodden »

This site is so fun/funny. I like your idea with a large header and footer but I think the middle content isn't strong enough... I would think about changing the color of the bottom to match the top and making the middle content color stronger. Great job and I hope putting your site in dreamweaver isn't super hard.
Tina Bodden

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Re: Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by miss_kristine »

I like your product and your designs. Both are very similar, but I think the second one is best. I agree the bottom navigation is confusing, it took a minute to find it. It looks like a poster, but it's a website, and that's a fun idea.

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Re: Project 1 Joshua Miles

Post by Instructor »

Now see this is the insanity I'm talking about! Though you only did one design Image

Design 1

The overall look and feel is fantastic. The cartoon mosquito is cracking me up and the site uses color and contrast superbly. I've found myself randomly smiling just thinking about it on occasion and it's become something of a classic with my coworkers already.

Where it falls down though is in layout. Your top design is probably stronger than the bottom, but both suffer from a lack of visual hierarchy. I'm not quite sure where to begin of where to go to navigate the website. My eye is bouncing all over the place on it. Remember, you are leading your viewers around by the eye, make sure that they are looking where you want 'em to. Right now, the eye bounces all over both variations.


An excellent and funny idea that just needs to be organized into something that tells as much as it shows. Once you iron out a navigation and content hierarchy, you'll have a website that will be one of the most memorable produced in this class.

I still would have liked to see another design though. Image
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