Post links to your Project One websites and preliminary work for discussion and feedback.
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Post by MissTinaBodden »

Here is the final product for project 1... I recommend viewing my website form Safari because the colors are all messed up in Firefox.

Enjoy! :D

http://www.grc275.com/student/fall_2012 ... index.html
Tina Bodden

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Re: Tina B FINAL!

Post by brienicole »

cute logo and theme! Super girly;)
- Your welcome text on the front page is kissing the left side of the box. Have you tried centering and rising it.
- you have indented body as well?
- I like the colors, but after a while that bright bluish greenish color get hard to read against the white. (so like in the and lady it will disappear on my eye)
- you have a small div or padding on you menu above the box on your home page, but not the others.
Looking good though!
Brie Porterfield

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Re: Tina B FINAL!

Post by BrandonBarringer »

Interesting style. Your navigation does not to be images. Im guessing you are using Helvetica or arial wich are web safe. the same effect can be created with only css with our the movement on hover. I think that this design would benefit from removing the green-blue background color completely. then you could cut out the models from thier backgrounds and have a more interesting design. It feels too boxy right now

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Re: Tina B FINAL!

Post by kylesmith »

I like the overall colors and look you are going for but it just needs to be pushed further. Your text paragraphs need some margin away from the img and border. Try to change up the layout a bit too. Seems like the same thing on every page with some slight differences. I think this is a good start that needs a bit of a shove to get rolling.
Kyle Smith

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Re: Tina B FINAL!

Post by miss_kristine »

Nice start, love your imagery. Your navigation shifts when you hover which is a little awkward.

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Re: Tina B FINAL!

Post by vtat »

Cute website! I like the pretty and fancy header you've designed. Love what you've got so far, I especially like the color you used for the site. I like your tab idea for each current page on the navigation as well, but I would like to see the navigations to be live text, you can create the rounded tab corners with css, I think it would help with the website a lot, since the images you are using for the navigation seems to have different height or margin that is pushing some of the content area up and down on different pages.
Vy Tat

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Re: Tina B FINAL!

Post by shgc13 »

Good website. I like the design and layout. There is a weird thing going on with the navigation area and the color not going all the way down except on contact. I would try to fix that. Also with the type, some of it is coming off the main content area and some is close to the edge. I might add some padding or margin to it. Good job.
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Re: Tina B FINAL!

Post by Instructor »

Shady lady, heh. :P I'm amused.

You've got a good concept going here. It has a kind of fun times, don't-take-life-too-seriously, heck yeah vibe which just shines through. It's clean and easy to navigate. It's high contrast with a good set of colors and it has large, vibrant images which visually convey the spirit of the brand. Good work!

That being said, there are a few issues from what I can see. The biggest problem with the design is the blue box in the middle. It's utterly unnecessary and more than a bit distracting. The design and layout creates a content box all on it's own, especially if you play with alignment and imagery. I also think the tab rollovers are a little strong. I think something a little more subtile would work better.
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Re: Tina B FINAL!

Post by joshua.miles »

I think the first girl is my future girlfriend. Haha.
I like the color scheme. Im not sure if you meant not to have a footer but it works. The logo is just a litte hard to read "the" and "lady". Otherwise Good work.

