Project 3 Roughs

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Project 3 Roughs

Post by chaytothet »

Hey Guys,

For my designer, I chose Aaron Draplin. He's been one of my favorites since I found out what a designer was. I enjoy his style with thick lines and simplicity.

I will be filling all white boxes with images, but it's a nice place holder for now.

Also, yes. The two layouts are really similar, but I really like the layout and feel like it represents the artist as well as my own personal style. so there.

Have a look and let me know what you think!


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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Post by selvester »

Okay I really like both of these. I think you can go either way, however when I think Aron Draplin I think outdoorsy, woodsy, lumberjack type of person. Therefor I feel the first rough's color scheme works better for the artist. But it's up to you! Great work!
Hannah Selvey

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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Post by Stephski »

Hello Chalyn,

I love what you did with the background of the first rough. It would look amazing if all those mountains layers are separate from one another and you style them so the move slightly as you scroll down. Your layout is straght-forward and uses space well, which will allow you to optimize it easily for mobile and tablets.
Stephanie Kendziorski.

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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Post by kieley_smith »

Hey there,

It's hard to tell which draft suits the designer better without example pictures, but I personally prefer the first, blue and orange design. The mountains in the background are glorious, and I like how the dark lines separate the different website elements.

Also, to add on to Stephski's comment, YES. Adding some parallax effects to the mountains would be amazing! You could even make it so that once you reach the very bottom of the page the mountains have moved enough to reveal an image that was previously hidden! Just an idea, but a darn good one if you ask me.

Your roughs are great, can't wait to see the finished site! : )
~ Kieley Smith

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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Post by Instructor »

Hm. I'm having trouble seeing which one fits him better. I would have liked to see examples of his work to better judge.

That being said, just evaluating the layouts as is, I'd say the first one works a little better. I like the look of the mountains and the way they work better with the sky than the starkness of the sun in the second design. The brown is warm and inviting and the sky is cool and infinite. I like the vertical bars constantly moving the eye downward. I think the layout would work pretty well as a single page scroller, actually. Cooper works pretty darn well as a logo/header/nav/pullquote font too, though I'd pick something lighter for the bodycopy. I like the whimsy of the speech bubbles though. They bring a smile to my face. I also like the repetition of having the speech bubbles be the page titles. You've done a good job compressing the design down into mobile as well. It preserves the essence of your design well at the tiny size.

Watch your margins on your poster titles. Make your bodycopy areas as wide as the images, or at least a little wider than they are now. And, as mentioned previously, use a lighter font for your bodycopy.

A darn good start!
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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Post by HouseStark »

I like the first one, and agree that adding some parallax effects to the mountains would be awesome. Great start and can't wait to see the finished website.
Michele Keast Ott

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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Post by Cassie_Bowers »

I almost chose this designer for this project, he’s one of my favorite designers! I like the second one. I think the colors work better with his style since all his work is so bright and colorful. It really reminds me of that rocketship poster he did. I think the stripes work well and the layout is nice.
Cassandra Bowers

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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Post by Eduardo_Garcia »

Great designs, both are interesting!
Would go with the second rough, since the bright color scheme makes the design stand out more!
Advice for "home-phone-1" is to center the person's image and place quote box under, and to have the "poster" and "logos" to be in rows, rather than next to each other.

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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Post by Breezy »


I love the colors in your first layout, the layout flows nicely! Great job
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Brianna Mick

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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Post by fjbo »

Oh my god this is difficult one.

Overall, I love the style that you are using on both styles. My inner designer is totally excited about the first one, but I feel that the color palette you are using on your second design might be more appealing by a wider audience. It would be cool to see the first design sporting those bright and fun colors.

Your layout is pretty interesting and it has a huge originality factor which is working great.

The only thing that I feel that could be worthy to point out is that your type overflows in a few buttons, but since this is a rough I am assuming is just a quick sketch and will be different on the final product.

I really want to see where you take this design. Very good!

