Codelab - Project 1 Preliminary Comps

Post links to your Project One websites and preliminary work for discussion and feedback.
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Re: Codelab - Project 1 Preliminary Comps

Post by miss_kristine »

Very nice design Kyle. The Large coding image was a bit confusing to me at first, then I realized I could scroll. I think I would reduce the size of that header space. There is a lot of information right away, but it is well organized. I cannot do this, but I bet you can... can you make the "core features" area scroll rather than the arrow taking you to another page?

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Re: Codelab - Project 1 Preliminary Comps

Post by Instructor »

Nicely done, sir. But you were supposed to have two! Image

Design 1

A very professional design. Excellent work Kyle! It has good use of textures, drop shadows, reflectivity, and typography. It's very easy to navigate both on page and as an overall site.

My only critiques at this point relate to layout. The sample pages are massive and kind of rangy (for example the distances around the "Core Features" area on the home page. I'd say you could tighten everything up a little and not alter the design's impact in any way. I also think the top presentational area/banner takes up too much space on your inner page and could be shrunk by two thirds (it's okay on your home page).


Keep it up. Give everything a tightening up, especially on your inner pages, but otherwise an excellent look and feel.
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Re: Codelab - Project 1 Preliminary Comps

Post by wysiwyg »

Great design and concept! Just to be nit-picky, All your fonts are a bit too big for me. They seem kind of bulky as a result. also, It would be nice if you could use more live type too. I have the macbook with retina, so I know it an exclusive problem, but online fonts that aren't live just look wrong while live type makes almost every site look professional. I know that's not really a relevant problem, but it's bothersome none the less. Your site could look sooo much better and it bothers me....
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Re: Codelab - Project 1 Preliminary Comps

Post by nelso220 »

Like a lot of your past projects, this feels like a solid website. I'm wondering what the buttons on the side will do or reveal, I'm guessing more information about the product : )

I'm not sure how I feel yet about the browser window with the code on top of the design, maybe since the picture preview is smaller, but I guess it could work. I see it more maybe on an about page or the product page itself. But I do like the purple for your choice of color since that pops well from the colors going on in the code : )

I'm not the best at giving you a good critique, but I'm sure you'll do a great job!
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Re: Codelab - Project 1 Preliminary Comps

Post by shgc13 »

I am liking the design a lot. It takes awhile to load, but I know that will change. I am not a huge fan of the color purple, but I think it works fine for this website. I think possibly changing to another chemical color might work. Good job.
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