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Re: Project 1
Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:43 pm
by nelso220
I'm not really sure how your navigation is going to work, but I trust your skills in making this really unique. You've surprised me in the past with your creations so it'll be interesting how you pull this off!
I'm digging the concept though David : )
Re: Project 1
Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:07 pm
by shgc13
I like the second one better. I think it would be cool to animate the face and make it do some cool things when clicked on or hovered over. I think it might be cool to have the colors move in the background as well or really make the colors pop off to contrast the mask. I think at least for the navigation, it should be some kind of fun type, but only for the navigation. Good job.