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Final for Project 1
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:09 am
by shgc13
I uploaded awhile ago and forgot I needed to post here.
This is the link. I have other ideas to expand on this site, as it is going to be for my cousin and her business. I will be continuing to work on it for project 2 and beyond the class.
Re: Final for Project 1
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:18 am
by kylesmith
Clean and simplistic. not a big fan of the boxed in feeling I get when I go there. Also if you look for a pattern that is able to tile that would be best for the background so its a seamless pattern. I would pay attention to some of your margins and alignments in your nav. All of the links background "click event" img are in different locations.
To fix that dont specify an exact width for the list items that hold your navigation links. Instead use padding to separate them with something like this... padding: 0 10px; That will add 10px to the left and right of each link so regardless of how long the word gets the spacing between each link stays the same. This should fix your alignment issue with the :active background img as well. If you dont understand what I just said ask me about it in class and I will show you.
Re: Final for Project 1
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:41 am
by BrandonBarringer
I agree with kyle. I would like for space in the design. With the navigation I think that images were unnecessary. You might have easily found a web embed-able font similar to the one you used here (apple chanery?) perhaps look at google fonts for Tangerine or Niconne. Also if you dont want to tile your BG image. use the css background-size:cover;
Re: Final for Project 1
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:17 pm
by miss_kristine
Nice start Kyle. There are some alignment issues with your buttons and the fleur de lis that comes up when you click.
Re: Final for Project 1
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:01 pm
by MissTinaBodden
It's much better from your first critique. I like the layout you picked up I would still work on your logo.
Re: Final for Project 1
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:40 pm
by Instructor
Hmmm. Interesting.
I can see where you're going here. I like the use of the background pattern. The use of black and white throughout serves as a picture frame for your images and looks very classy. I also like the little uses of color to highlight things throughout.
I'm not sure I care for how small and enclosed feeling it is. It seems like everything is placed inside this tiny pen. Give it some breathing room. I think the fleur-de-lis is wasted as a quick rollover accent and should be used elsewhere and more prominently in your design. it's wasted behind your buttons.
A good start. Keep building on what you have learned here.
Re: Final for Project 1
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:08 pm
by joshua.miles
The logo looks really lo res. I would like to see the background flow through the whole page. Otherwise I think the contrast between the black white and pink works well. I like the little fleur de lis that is on your navigation. Keep it up.