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Brassai final for Brie
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:36 pm
by brienicole
woo hoo its done and working. There is room to grow, but finding high resolution photos of his is not easy. I think you get the idea though. ... /index.php
see you all next semester (except those who are done )
Re: Brassai final for Brie
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:31 pm
by kylesmith
Looks good. I think the nav animation is quite cool. Would have been really cool if you used the same technique in the footer nav. I also think you could have increased the text size and line height. Especially under the headlines. I'm also curious about your choice of class names. Are "span7" and "span5" part of a grid system? Just wondering because the names are not very descriptive which is something I would recommend. Even if they are used for the gird i wouldn't reference those elements with those names. Just add a more descriptive class and use that.
For the content area on the home page with the quote I would have loved to see the same layout as the "About Me" section in the footer. I feel like the headline is too disjointed and stuck up above the img when it should be a bit more prominent. Then further more make each footer section look the same. So the about me section would look the same as Contact and Navigation.
I like the Bra Who page.
For the gallery page you need to make each image the same size to look more like a gird. Currently it looks a bit like a mistake that some images are smaller than others. Also it would be cool to have "flyups" fo the captions so its more of an interactive and visual experience. By flyups I mean when you hover the caption slides up and reveals the text overlaying the image with a gradient. Also going the opposite way with the hover state I think would be better. Going from desaturation to full saturation makes the image your hovering more prominent.
And finally I think having a contact link in the header nav is a bad idea. The expected behavior is that would lead to another page and when it goes to the index page its a little weird. I would just take it out of the nav all together and leave it in the footer.
So this sounds like a lot but its not really. A few updates and improvements and this could be a really cool site.