Welcome to the official home for the Reno Duck Race! A yearly rubber duck race through the heart of downtown Reno, $5 dollars a duck and all proceeds go to a good cause, the Nevada Humane Society. There is also food, entertainment, and the chance to win big!
What is the Duck Race?
The Nevada Humane Society Duck Race is a charity event put on by the Nevada Humane Society to raise money for homeless animals in and around our communities. $5 for a duck and all proceeds go directly to helping the animals. FAQ:
How does the actual Duck Race work? Winning numbers are randomly generated on the day of the event. We will announce and contact the winners!
Where can you adopt ducks? At the Nevada Humane Society shelter, over the phone by calling 775-856-2000 ext 335 and online at duckrace.com/reno
Is there a minimum age for duck adoption prize winners? Prize winners must be 18 years of age or over and must pay any applicable sales tax or other fees associated with any prize received.
Where can one get more information?
Visit: www.nevadahumanesociety.org
Call: Nevada Humane Society, 775-856-2000, ext. 335


Happy Tails: Kirby
July 24, 2023
Kirby was brought into Nevada Humane Society in early March, and stayed until almost July! He was brought in while overweight, barely being able to stand up on his own. Our staff put him on a steady diet to help him in his weight loss-journey

Simcha’s Journey with the Nevada Humane Society
July 9, 2023
Simcha was brought to the Nevada Humane Society (NHS) when she was confiscated from her previous owner by Washoe County Regional Animal Services (WCRAS). Simcha was a female pittie estimated to be over ten years old.

Happy Tails: Humbo and Yabi
July 7, 2023
Michelle and her husband got their very first dog three years ago. He stole not only their hearts, but also their bed! Michelle said that during the occasional (and dangerous) Sunday morning pastime of perusing adoptable pets online a year later, they were taken aback when they came across a rescue dog that looked like a mirror image and came from the same area as Humbo.

Get Ready For The Duck Race!
June 30, 2023
The Ducks are back on August 12th! This year, the Duck Race & Festival will be hosted at Wingfield Park from 10-3pm on August 12th, 2023. The ceremonial ducks will race at at 2pm, and we can’t wait to see you there!

Staff Success Stories: Maynard and Rusty
June 15, 2023
Brittney is our Clinic Manager and she recently adopted Maynard (formerly known as Hazelnut) last month. She first met this 10-year-old cat on his third day at the shelter. He was shy at first but started to warm up quickly to people (especially if they were offering pets, food, or treats!)

How to Ease Your New Pet Into Your Home
June 12, 2023
Whether you have a best friend already in your home or if your new adoption will be your first pet experience, you want to take some time to prep your surroundings to welcome your newest four-legged friend.

Hiking Safety Tips for Your Dogs in the Summer
June 9, 2023
Nothing beats summertime in Northern Nevada. The desert, forests, and mountains provide an abundance of fun adventures for you and your pup to embark on.

Nevada Humane Society to Extend Adoption Hours and Waive Adoption Fees
June 5, 2023
Nevada Humane Society (NHS) is looking to increase our capacity to transfer animals from Washoe Country Regional Animal Services (WCRAS) to aid in the community’s overcapacity crisis.
Where? Wingfield Park 2 S Arlington Ave, Reno, NV 89501
When? August 12, 2024 from 10:00 am-3:00 pm
How much do ducks cost to adopt? A Lone Duck is $5
A Quack pack (5 ducks) is $20
A Quacker’s Dozen (13 ducks) is $50
A Beak Brigade (25 ducks) is $100
A Feathered Flotilla (50 ducks) is $200
What kind of prizes do the winning ducks receive? The grand prize is yet to be announced, last year it was a brand new Toyota or $15,000
Is the duck adoption fee tax-deductible? Due to value received and the fact that prizes are awarded, entries are not considered tax deductible by the IRS.
When will prize winners be announced? Day of event: August 12, 2024
Is there a minimum age for duck adoption prize winners? Prize winners must be 18 years of age or over and must pay any applicable sales tax or other fees associated with any prize received.
June 10, 2024: Donations Open!

June 15, 2024
Animal Toy Drive
July 20, 2024: Adoption Event

July 24, 2024
Foster Failure Celebration
July 27, 2024
Senior Adoption Day
July 31, 2024: Donations Open at Carson City Toyota

August 1, 2024: Petco Donations Open

August 5, 2024
Doggy Play Day
August 6, 2024
Duck Race Start Party
August 7, 2024: Adoption Event, 1 Duck with every adoption

August 12, 2024: Nevada Humane Society Duck Race!