Rapture Resources





Guide to Letter of Intent



Dear friend:



     It is our greatest desire that this letter, information, and deliberate steps you are taking will result in the salvation of your friends and family. We are praying that when they see how serious you are about preparing for the rapture, whenever it comes, they will give this serious consideration. We hope to present the stark choice offered them and the only way to prevent living, or dying, during a literal hell on earth for seven years. We have assembled a lot of material that they can investigate in detail. We are anticipating many salvations through these efforts. Please contact us with the news so we can rejoice with you in the victory. We are offering the Rapture Packs to leave them. Ask them to review the information and come to you with any questions. It is critical that they put the packs away in a very safe place, if they just don’t see the true situation at this time.

     The Rapture Packs are to leave with others, but what about your financial affairs? What will happen to your assets and the plans you have made to distribute your estate?

Unfortunately, if your body just disappears, the courts would normally declare a certain number of years, typically 3-5, to pass before you could legally be declared dead, and your will probated. In addition, the courts will be hopelessly clogged with millions of simultaneous cases. They are already backed up with just normal loads. The major problem is that you cannot afford that much time to pass, before the assets you have, to be passed to designated heirs. They will realize after the rapture, all that was predicted has come to pass and they do need to take immediate steps to try to stock up and get off the grid, in order to be able to avoid taking the mark of the beast, with its eternal consequences.

      Lawyers that we have talked with have told us that the goal of any instrument drafted is to clearly manifest the client’s intent. The courts prefer to get involved only when it is alleged by an interested party that the instrument is ambiguous and requires “construction” by the court with the goal of ascertaining the writer’s intent. We have attempted to emphatically make crystal clear the intent and outcome desired. Our goal is that in the massive confusion and chaos that will follow the rapture, the beneficiaries will be able to establish your clear intent. If millions of individuals have all stated their intent in a unanimous manner, a valid precedent might be established in a totally new and unprecedented situation. Millions of families might be able to escape the new world religion and government with its registration and rationing system referred to as the Mark of the Beast. (Rev 14:9-11) If they don’t have to face the prospect of being martyred for not swearing allegiance to the Anti-Christ, their chances of surviving the Tribulation are greatly enhanced. Many parents would undoubtedly buckle under the threat of seeing their children murdered in front of them. These tactics will undoubtedly be used to persuade the parents to take the mark. This possibility is definitely worth a serious effort on our part. This is the reason we have consulted with lawyers to develop a document that strives to convey our intent, and what has really happened at the Rapture.

     We are not a law firm, and we are only offering this Letter of Intent as a guide to you. You can modify it in any fashion that more accurately conveys your wishes. This deserves serious deliberation on your part, as well as a detailed list of your assets and their distribution. The following list of financial transactions has been taken from a Uniform Statutory Form Power of Attorney, which has been uniformly accepted by the states. Our first inclination was to use this form, but its provisions state that the powers ascribed cease to exist at the Principal’s death. Our entire purpose is to handle the situation after your disappearance, which may or may not be determined as a death.

This form lists the following categories for you to consider:


1)          Real property transaction.

2)          Tangible personal property transactions.

3)          Stock and bond transactions.

4)          Commodity and option transactions.

5)          Banking and other financial institution transactions.

6)          Business operating transactions.

7)          Insurance and annuity transactions.

8)          Estate, trust, and other beneficiary transactions.

9)          Claims and litigation.

10)      Personal and family maintenance.

11)      Benefits from Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, or other governmental programs, civil or military service.

12)      Retirement plan transactions.

13)      Tax matters.


An excellent description of what each transaction above entails can be found at

1STOPLegalForms, under the Power of Attorney Form. Here is the link:



Chances are, you are probably in one of the following situations:


1)          You have already drawn up a will. If this is the case you can fill out the codicil offered. This is a standard way to amend an existing will. Or you can use the Letter of Intent. The problem with the will is that it does require probate.

2)          You have already drawn up a trust. If this is the case, you can add the Letter of Intent to it. We have been advised that there is no easy way to amend a trust.

3)          You are like approximately 70% of people who have taken no steps to transfer assets. We can suggest the following course of actions:


If you have a sizable estate, consult with an attorney to draw up a trust. This will avoid probate. Add the Letter of Intent with it when you file it. I would highly recommend a

Christian attorney who is familiar with the Rapture and Tribulation. An ordinary attorney will not understand your intentions when you tell them your concern is for your heirs when you suddenly disappear. The challenge is to find such an attorney. When I searched the phone book, not a single attorney indicated in their ad that they were Christian. I did find an excellent Christian attorney through the the following link: www.legalref@clsnet.org.



If you do not have a sizable estate or cannot afford an attorney, the next best alternative is to go to one of the following sites to get an online trust.



We have used products from these companies. Add the Letter of Intent to these documents. If Real Estate is involved you need to file all documents with the County Clerk. We also recommend a copy be filed with any organization handling cash and financial instruments. We are assuming that Life Insurance companies would refuse to accept your disappearance and pay out. That would instantly bankrupt any company.

Secure a copy in multiple locations. Give one to your beneficiaries and find a way to protect the original in a location known to them. You might think about prearranging a box to hold keys to automobiles, houses, and safe deposit boxes for them.

      All this is a little hard to imagine, but we know it will, at some point. The Bible says that all things will just be going on as normal, until suddenly these events will occur. Your friends and family will at least have a chance to make it if provisions are made to help them. They might consider the whole proposition ludicrous at this point, but if they have the information and a recollection that you told them so, there will be no doubt as to what happened and what is about to come on the earth.

     Please contact us with any questions and especially comments and suggestions.



In His Service,




Steve and Claire Schauer