Professor Dan Bouweraerts 

Dan Bouweraerts
   Contact Information

Office: SIER 202 F
Phone: 775-673-7266
Personal web page:


BS in Graphic Design, California Polytechnical University, San Luis Obispo, Ca - 4 BCE
MS in Education, University of Nevada, Reno - 2009
PhD in Theatre Arts, School of Life, Reno - ongoing


Began working in graphic design when the only tools were a chisel and hammer; was the real designer of the first printing press, the plans for which were stolen from him by Johann Gutenberg in 1439; in a dark period, worked with Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders in the development of the Arial typeface in 1982, a collaboration he denies to this day; worked at Prismacolor in the development of their line of permanent markers, but quit over creative differences when other designers insisted on creating more colors than Black, 80% Gray, 50% gray and 20% gray.

   Links to Class Information Pages

GRC 107: Design Fundamentals
GRC 118: Computer Graphics/Print Media (sections D02 & N01)
GRC 119: Computer Graphics/Digital Media
GRC 144B: Electronic Layout & Typography
GRC 156: Computer Illustration
GRC 256B: Computer Illustration II
GRC 294B: Professional Portfolio