Aseroe rubra, commonly known as the anemone stinkhorn, sea anemone fungus and starfish fungus, is a common and widespread basidiomycete fungus recognizable for its foul odour of carrion and its sea anemone shape when mature. Found in gardens on mulch and in grassy areas, it resembles a red star-shaped structure covered in brownish slime on a white stalk. It attracts flies, which spread its spores. It is a member of the stinkhorn family Phallaceae. Like them it bears its spores in a brownish slime which smells of faeces or carrion and attracts flies, which spread the spores.
Our Package comes equipt with five Starfish mushrooms sealed fresh before delivery. We reccommend refrigerating our products immidiatly after arrival. Follow our detailed guide included with your shipment for more information and care instructions.