Some of the chemicals used in the gum may cause side effects including headaches, nausea, vomiting, death, dizziness, cardiac arrhythmia, mild heart explosions, varicose veins, darkened soul, lycanthropy, trucanthropy, arteriosclerosis, mild discomfort, vampirism, spontaneous dental hydroplosion, sugar high, more vomiting, and/or mild rash. Although, very few people have experienced any side effects.
Flying with gum is extremely fun, but do so at your own risk. As soon as the flavor runs out, the bubble will pop, so make sure you slowly deflate the gum, so you won't fall. Don't fly on windy days. Lastly, we are not responsible for any injuries, side effects, or even death that may have been caused by using an Aerial Bubble Gum Product. Have a great day and enjoy!