
Meet The Instructors

Our Faculty

Dan Bouweraerts - Chief of Staff
Dan Bouweraerts

Though he looks much younger, Dan Boeuarereaertes has been around since the creation of the alphabet. It is a little known fact that he actually designed all of the lowercase vowels in use today, except for the letter i, which was designed and copyrighted by a fellow named Steve Jobs.

Dan copyrighted his vowels under his last name “Beouweaoeareates.” However, the designs quickly became royalty-free because of a technicality . . . no one could ever spell his name correctly in court. Steve Jobs is still making a killing off of his lowercase i.

Contact Dan @ dbouweraerts@tmcc.edu 775.673.7266

Ron Marston - Photoshop Guru
Ron Marston

Ron Is TMCC's resident Photoshop guru. He is a master at making images look their best.

Ron initially was a highly skilled plastic surgeon, creating beautiful new faces, boobs, and butts for celebrities and millionaires. Seeing his hard work sag over time, Ron became disillusioned. He switched professions in 2002 and became a Graphic Artist when he discovered he could still make people look beautiful using Photoshop, along with the added bonus that his work would now last forever.

Contact Ron @ rmarston@tmcc.edu 775.674.7938

Michael Ganschow-Green - The Mouse Whisperer
Michael Ganschow-Green

Welcome back, Michael!

Michael was AFK for 2 years as he took time off to pursue his dream of winning the Dual-wielding Mouse Championship held in Cupertino, CA in 2008. After 3 weeks, a blizzard of grueling matches, and a near disastrous bout of carpal tunnel syndrome, Michael was victorious. He was awarded the coveted "Big Cheese" title, $10,000 in Top Ramen coupons, and a trip to Elko. WoW...way to Go, Michael!

Michael has since hung up his competition mouses and has settled in as TMCC's go-to-guy for all things web.

Pst Michael @ mganschow@tmcc.edu 775.673.7000