Our Salted and Smoked Story

Baconfinity started as a big dream over a small frying pan. The idea of bacon is as American as apple pie and cowboys. The idea of an All-Bacon Super Store is so American, history can't help but be on our side. George Washington loved bacon, Abraham Lincoln loved bacon, and even Barack Obama possibly eats bacon.

bacon guyOne thing we do in America is we do it bigger. Baconfinity was conceptualized as the largest supplier of bacon and bacon products in the world. We are proud to bring the finest selection of hand made 100% American bacon, which is shipped to you using a dry ice container with overnight delivery. We also have the most extensive selection of bacon products ranging from bacon flavored foods to bacon themed apparel. We are your number one choice for bacon-themed birthday parties, weddings, and corporate events.

The fine employees of Baconfinity wants you to know that bacon is just as important to us as it is to you. If you find a product that includes bacon and we don't carry it, let us know. Our quest to make our inventory complete is never ending. That's why our motto is: "Baconfinity is Hog Heaven!"