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Rotational Axis Dispersion Chamber

Inventor: Dr. Alphonse Mephesto, South Park Tech.

Price: 650,000 US

Lease Period: 8 weeks

Machine Specifications

The question whether there is a limit to the degree of cold possible, and, if so, where the zero must be placed, was first attacked by the French physicist Guillaume Amontons in 1702, in connection with his improvements in the air thermometer. In his instrument temperatures were indicated by the height at which a column of mercury was sustained by a certain mass of air, the volume or "spring" which of course varied with the heat to which it was exposed. Amontons therefore argued that the zero of his thermometer would be that temperature at which the spring of the air in it was reduced to nothing. On the scale he used the boiling-point of water was marked at +73 and the melting-point of ice at 51, so that the zero of his scale was equivalent to about −240 on the Celsius scale.

This remarkably close approximation to the modern value of −273.15 °C for the zero of the air-thermometer was further improved on by Johann Heinrich Lambert, who gave the value −270 °C and observed that this temperature might be regarded as absolute cold.

Lease Information

When you lease a new Honda or Acura automobile, you contract to use it for the first - and best - period of its life. Your monthly payment covers the depreciation of the vehicle, plus a service fee. That means that you pay only for the portion of the vehicle's worth that you are actually going to use. In a lease, your mileage is generally limited to 12,000 or 15,000 miles per year, although you can "buy" extra miles up front to save excess mileage charges at the end of your lease.

Your monthly lease payment is calculated based on several factors, including the term of the lease, a service charge, the capitalized cost which is based, in part, on the purchase price, and the vehicle's projected residual value at the end of your lease. A capitalized cost reduction, similar to a down payment, can help reduce your monthly payment. To save time at the dealer, you can even apply for pre-approval online. Don't forget to check with your insurance agent to make sure you have sufficient coverage.


Rotational Axis Dispersion Chamber $650,000.00

mephesto machine


